Probionic is a scientifically proven supplement for individuals looking to reduce symptoms of poor digestive health. In addition, daily use of ProBionic will improve the immune system response.

What is ProBionic ?

- Consist of Probiotic powder with 5 billion CFU dosage of encapsulated good live bacteria
- Delivers strands of live, healthy bacteria to your digestive system to eradicate pathogens and balance the digestion process
- With four strains of live, healthy bacteria captured in each serving of ProBionic and remain alive throughout their shelf life, allowing each dose to deliver maximum results

What is Probiotics ?

- Bacteria that return order to our gut microflora - balancing the good bacteria with the bad - thus creating a more hospitable environment for digestive processes to proceed as normal

- Need to be delivered to the digestive system alive and undisturbed or it will convey no health benefits

- In order to guarantee efficacy, all probiotic products must be listed by DNAspecific indicators (called strains) and backed by scientific research. Hence, the specific strain of probiotic matters !

Why ProBionic and its benefits ?

- With proprietary encapsulation - Protects the organisms from heat, water and acidic environment of esophagus and stomach, ensuring the bacteria are alive when they arrive in the intestines. This result in, an individual will absorb 90% of the bacteria strains in ProBionic, a benefit other manufacturers cannot claim.

- Research-Backed Bacteria Strains - scientific studies and clinical trials have shown the four strains of probiotics to be effective in conveying digestive and immunity health benefits.

- Boosts immunity system and strengthens gastrointestinal system

- Helps digestion and thus provide better absorption of nutrients

- With specific bacteria strains listed - this means assured efficacy

Recommended Use

Take 1 pack of ProBionic daily to ensure your body maintains a proper balance of healthy bacteria. This is safe for children and lactating women.

Product Catalogue

- Chinese

1 comment:

  1. I have found that eating healthier improves my symptoms. I have been thinking about adding a probiotic supplement.digestive enzyme supplements


